Your First 50 Pages

A new package designed for writers who want a quick idea of their story’s
strengths and weaknesses.

The first 50 pages of your novel are the most important pages of all. If you’re pitching to agents, rarely will an agent request more than 50 pages to read at first. If you’re planning to self-publish, the first 50 pages have to capture readers’ interest and keep them going all the way through your story.

This package is designed to evaluate how those pages will land with a reader or an agent and to give you recommendations for edits and revisions. It’s a great way to get a reality check or to see where you are and what you need to do—or give you encouragement that you’re on the right track!

This new package could be just what you need if:

You’ve been writing like a fiend and are partway through a manuscript, but you’re not sure you’ve got anything, or whether it’s leading anywhere.

You have a completed manuscript and are thinking of pitching, but unsure how an agent will react to your first pages.

You know your completed manuscript probably needs some revision, but you aren’t sure where to start and whether you need help getting there.


In this package, I’ll review the first 50 pages of your manuscript (standard formatting: 12pt Times New Roman, double spaced, 1-inch margins) and provide inline commenting, an editorial letter, and a half-hour coaching call where we can talk about next steps and my recommendations.
