Blueprint Your Novel
The Fiction Blueprint, developed by Jennie Nash of Author Accelerator and licensed to Author Accelerator Certified Coaches, is a revolutionary way to make sure the fundamentals of your project are in place, whether you haven’t started writing yet or have finished a first draft—or are stuck somewhere in between. You complete exercises in a workbook that help you make sure you’ve got an overall point, that the scenes of your story are connected in a cause and effect trajectory that creates narrative drive, that it all starts and ends in the right places—and so much more.
The package includes:
- An onboarding call where I take you through the Blueprint workbook and assign excercises for your first deadline.
- 3 deadlines where I review and edit the work you’ve submitted, and then we have half-hour coaching calls to go over my comments and answer any questions.
Average completion time of the program is 8 to 10 weeks.
Let’s have a conversation about your project!
Just complete the form at the link below, and I’ll get in touch with you to set up a no-obligation Zoom call to discuss how the Fiction Blueprint can help you progress with your project.
“Susanne’s Blueprint workshop has been invaluable to bringing my story concept to life. Each deadline challenged me to think about the ‘bigger picture’ when writing my first drafts. Susanne’s programs are great resources for writers of any level, and I can’t wait to continue working with her on this and future projects.”
“Working with Susanne to develop a blueprint for my memoir was a great investment. Susanne was very skillful in pulling me back to a grounding place so I could better express my healing roadmap in a concrete way. If you have a story to tell and are looking for a kind but firm disciplined hand to guide you, then I recommend you get in touch with her. “