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Narrative Drive and the Messy Middle

We’ve all experienced it. We’re cruising along writing our novel or memoir. We know what will happen and have some idea how we’ll get there. The beginning is really promising. Then at a point roughly a third of the way in, momentum slows or grinds to a halt, and we can’t quite identify what’s wrong […]


Building Your Historical World


World building is most often associated with fantasy and science fiction, but it’s an equally crucial part of writing historical fiction. The difference with historical fiction is that the world you create doesn’t spring solely from your imagination. It must be grounded in real history, involving careful research and attention to detail. So how do […]


Start Fresh—Smart Revision Strategies for the New Year


Now that you’ve got a first draft (or are close to one), it’s time to think about your revision. Chances are, you discovered a lot about your story as you wrote, and maybe even ended up somewhere other than you thought. So it’s time to go back to the beginning and start doing your edits, […]

$95 – $125